Amy Winehouse is one Scary MoFo…

July 15th, 2009

Lets all face it. Amy Winehouse is Creepy. Whether it is that God-Awful rats nest she calls a hairdo or her zombified appearance, Ms. Winehouse continues to creep her way into the nightmares of the masses. Maybe if she would have just “Gone to Rehab” I wouldn’t want her to “Go, Go, Go” far, far away.

Amy Wineshouse and her Crackpipe

Oh. Was this supposed to be a parody of the British trainwreck? Sadly, I believed it to be her attempt at a comeback as this poorly constructed parody was much better than anything she has come out with in the past three years. You know. Maybe she should just go ahead and die. Seriously. Just curl up and smother yourself with all that hair you have piled up on your rotting scalp.

Why Stupid People just Shouldn’t Talk…

July 15th, 2009

Lil\’ Mama compares Michael Jackson to Jesus

…really? Really? Okay, I will admit, the death of the “King of Pop” was a sad day to many, many individuals. Yet, comparing him to Jesus? Just a little extreme. Maybe “Lil’ Mama” should just stick to her mediocre duets with Canadian divas and leave the interviews to her publicist.

(And What is up with that hair?)

Hello world!

July 15th, 2009

Welcome to onMason. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!